Anna is a Reiki Master and Massage Therapist specialised in the use of essential oils for therapeutic and personalised treatments. Originally from Italy, Anna trained in the UK in a range of therapies which she often combines for optimal results. The combination of tailored massage techniques and organic essential oils hand-picked to your needs can lead to great results, relieving stress and pain, and achieving a state of personal wellbeing.
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Anna specialises in therapeutic massage techniques, including Indian Head Massage and Aromatherapy.
Her own health history made her realise the value and benefits of massage and wellbeing. Becoming a holistic therapist was a truly life-changing moment, and made her realise her sense of mission: helping others feel better and find wellbeing within themselves.
Essential oils allow us to make the most of natural plant properties, and can help with a variety of physical and mental issues. They can support the digestive, nervous and hormonal systems, helping with sleep, concentration, colds and coughs, skin conditions, headaches and migraines, and much more.
· Reiki
· Wellbeing personalised journey
Therapeutic massage:
· Indian Head Massage
· Aromatherapy